Progressive music certainly has the ability to throw you some strange or odd musical curves, take this album from French solo musician Nicholas de Renty entitled ‘Retour Au Bercail’ which translates as meaning ‘Return to The Fold’ .
Nicholas performs the majority of the instruments apart from on the track Traquenard where he is joined by Anthony Malaussena who adds guitar and bass to the track, Nicholas playing drums, piano and the vocals, which are all sung in French. A lot of the other instruments are delivered via the computer, the brass and woodwind elements for example that enliven proceedings. This release is best heard in one setting, i feel, as you can then appreciate the intricacies that are built into the music especially in the title track Retour Au Bercail which has excellent brass and woodwind sections.
The album is basically the story of Nicholas’ return to the faith he grew up in but deserted in his youth. He now feels the need to address the spiritual emptiness he has been experiencing and sees a return as being in his best interests. This is bold for such a step to be considered and then taken and ultimately to be chronicled in the music he has made.
I had a translation of the lyrics so I could follow his journey, there is an understated beauty to this musician in his openness to embracing faith once again, which is to be applauded. This album will probably be passed over by many which is a shame as it is really rather good and interesting musically. I would say the singing is a little different and unusual but it is not unpleasant being strongly choral in style. I understand this might be off putting for many but I would urge you to persevere with it as it does become rather calming with a distinct spiritual tone and flavour to it.
I especially liked the opening track Luerre éternel (eternal war) which has a drum solo at both the opening section and at the 5.55 mark where Nicholas vocalises over the beat before a rippling piano and subdued brass are heard. Nicholas then really pounds the skins a for few minutes, oddly enough the dynamics of this work exceptionally well, giving the track a really strong dynamism and emphasis. The lyrics are actually more prose, being almost poetic in nature and tone, the choir like chanting is a good fit for the track which is about how we are all in a spiritual war with the forces of evil (Satan and his demonic hordes).
As I say it is an intriguing and deep concept. One with it’s spiritual overtones and concept could, I accept, be problematic for some listeners and the album is maybe not an easy listen per se. However, many a great album is equally as challenging yet critically applauded like ‘Red’ by King Crimson, which is an equally dark and intense piece of work.
I have to say that the more I listen to this album the more I have come to appreciate it’s difference, which I feel is rare in a genre where little has changed since the founding fathers’ original masterpieces were released. This album at least dares to be different in many ways and that alone is worthy of recognition. As such, I would recommend that folks with an open mind would have a listen at least as there is some great music on display here,
Definitely one for the more adventurous listener to at least have a go with, although I would say it would be more appealing if the booklet had the words translated into English so then non-French speakers couldn’t least be more understanding of the contents of the words.
This has not been an easy review as it has required the input of Anne-Claire from Bad Dog Promotions to help with the translation, which then allowed insight into the themes behind the tracks, for which I must recognise her invaluable assistance. aAs it is but I urge perseverance with this most interesting release which I actually really enjoyed, hopefully others will too.
Released 27th August, 2024.
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