Review – Gabriel Keller – Hope Despite Everything – by John Wenlock-Smith

This second album from French musician Gabriel Keller is an album of two distinct parts, on one hand you have a treatise on the horrors of war seen through the eyes of a soldier on the front line, the other part of the album is much more light hearted in nature and traces the journey of a drop of water from glaciers and the northern lights to the sands of the Sahara desert. It concludes a quest for inner peace and an ode to love. So it is, in essence, quite an interesting musical album ranging from gentle acoustic numbers to heavier Porcupine Tree musical styles.

The album begins with a brief introduction, Why?, which introduces the first part of the album with sound effects of war. Guns, rockets and military sounds set the scene very and this leads into The Letter – Part 1, in which the soldier shares his torment of being on the front line and his mother, who longs for her sons safe return. This track verges between Rush-like guitar sounds and a harder edged sound interspersed with the fine vocals of Emi B. It also has symphonic touches too which makes for a somewhat unusual sound. It is a great sound though with some great guitar fills and solo’s. The Guns Are Approaching  emphasises both the futility of the war that is taking place around him and the fact that it is also drawing closer every day. It opens delicately and acoustically before a more punishing riff is introduced, adding a more metallic sound, more like European power metal. This is another strong piece overall and the vocals from Emi B again make a strong impression, as does Gabriel’s soaring guitar solo and playing. The Letter – Part 2 opens with eerie sound effects and a distorted guitar playing harmonics and arpeggios. This is the album’s longest track at just shy of ten minutes duration and has great dynamics among a lot going on. This song also has more than a passing nod to Rush in the guitar playing (shades of La Villa Strangiato). More guitar and power chords are at play here as the track gathers impetus making this the most compelling piece on the album, mixing its styles and sounds in a most satisfying manner.

My Son is a plea for the return of the mother’s son from the frontline. The vocals are superb as they harmonise on this sad plea. No Surrender and Oppression are about standing in opposition to submission in the face of difficulties. The former is a more traditional rock number with definite Rush influences and touches, I’ve noticed this in other albums I reviewed from French outfits like Pryzme. Obviously, Rush made an impact on French musical styles over the years, mainly their post 70’s epic period. The latter song continues this theme of solidarity and resistance, opening with the Cello of Lucie Lacour. This is another harder sounding track with good rhythmic switches in style that really sound great. There is a lot of inventiveness within this track, possibly one of the best for me, after the both parts of The Letter.

We then move into the second part of the album which is more acoustically driven, although the cello is evident in parts. Poussi​è​res Eternelles is sung in French and sounds suitably ethereal in style and tone. Your Way has more excellent guitar playing, mainly acoustic with electric embellishments, which sounds really good, I like this track a lot, it’s very positive and uplifting. Change is the album’s penultimate piece and has a real swing to it with long suspended chords that have a jazzy touch to them The great vocals from Emi B again make a good impact. I love how this song shimmers and sways very elegantly making it very cosmopolitan sounding There is a superb guitar solo as well that really sounds excellent. Mahaut is an ode to love. This is a slightly downbeat, subdued piece with lots of intricate guitar fills and is a fitting conclusion to a most interesting album.

‘Hope Despite Everything’ is a very impressive collection of songs with some strong performances and material, all of which are imaginatively portrayed. This album is most definitely worth a listen If you can!

Released June 23rd, 2024.

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