A new IQ album is always something to celebrate. One of the bands at the forefront of the British Neo- Prog revival, IQ have been producing albums since 1983 as well as rewarding their loyal fan base with regular appearances on the concert circuit. The band has seen a few changes in personnel over the years, with guitarist and main songwriter Mike Holmes providing the only constant presence, but the current line-up have remained together since 2011. Inevitably their musical style has undergone changes over the past four decades, but the IQ sound is highly distinctive, creating powerful atmospheres and forging deep emotional connections with the listener. Unlike its predecessor Resistance, released almost five years ago, at 53 minutes Dominion fits neatly onto just two sides of vinyl. The album title and theme, inspired by the poem “And Death Shall Have No Dominion” by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, encourages us to assume power over our own lives and to make the best use of the time we have now. Reflecting this, both music and lyrics feel more positive and optimistic than the previous few albums – by IQ standards, anyway!
IQ certainly know how to hit the road in style; their first album, Tales From The Lush Attic, opened with the mighty 20-minute tour de force that is The Last Human Gateway. But at 23 minutes, The Unknown Door is their longest opener yet and provides a superlative showcase of what makes this band so special, transporting us instantaneously from grandiose visions of darkness and existential dread to intimate soundscapes of heart-stopping sweetness and delicacy. The track opens dramatically with a heroic fanfare evoking the spirit of adventure while also recalling the evocative bugle call of The Last Post, traditionally performed in remembrance of those who died fighting for their country. This leads into a recording of Neville Chamberlain’s legendary speech launching Britain into WW2. Peter’s vocals, supported sympathetically by Neil’s atmospheric keyboards, have a visionary quality as he declaims the essential message of the album: The time is now to send it out. It’s in your hands, the world you’re waiting for. After a joyous and laid back guitar solo the storm clouds inevitably gather, and with a dramatic shift into minor tonality a relentless battery of drums and dramatically gothic keyboards plunge us headlong into darkness and confusion. Militaristic rhythms, brassy synths and the deep roar of bass pedals reinforce the warlike imagery of the lyrics, and the band members work in perfect synergy to create a sense of menace that builds inexorably towards a frenzied climax, finally stalling onto a grinding dissonance. The third section opens with a chilling depiction of post-apocalyptic devastation. Emerging from a chaos of electronica, a phantasmal echo of the opening fanfare gives way to a restlessly strumming acoustic guitar, eerily wailing synths and sporadic bursts of distant gunfire. There is a spine-tingling moment when Peter’s magical invocation of that other door to our lives open wide is answered by a grandiose blast of church organ and celestial choirs. Thrilling vocals and imperious drums propel the music towards a heroic climax before fading back to the visionary and optimistic mood of the opening. Mike’s transcendently ecstatic guitar blazes and subsides, bringing music and lyrics back full circle to revisit the opening question:
And in the world you’ve been waiting for
Who should find this unknown door?
After the epic grandeur of the previous track, the wistful simplicity of One of Us returns us gently down to earth. In this delicately poignant song about a broken relationship, Peter’s vocals are in more relaxed mode, accompanied sensitively by acoustic guitar and understated keyboards.
Borrowing its title and some of its lyrical content from Dylan Thomas’ poem, No Dominion explores our relationship with fate and chance, urging the listener to trust the timing of your life to be right. At its core the track consists of a two-verse song with a bridge and final chorus, but the stunningly cinematic instrumental arrangement transforms it into something much more complex and symphonic. Implacable fate is evoked by a majestically ascending theme on keyboards, given added depth and solemnity by bombastic drums and Tim’s portentous bass. This is succeeded by a restlessly wandering keyboard loop that perhaps suggests the infinite possibilities of the quantum universe described in the first verse. These two thematic elements are skilfully woven through the fabric of the track, unifying and expanding the structure as well as lending an aura of gravitas and mystery. The dramatic coda features a passionately emotional solo from Mike – one of so many on this album – then fades out into a surreal sequence of chimes, whirrs and rattles suggesting the death throes of a clockwork toy. I would love to know the significance of this ending which to me feels somewhat anticlimactic after the sublime glory of all that has gone before.
Far From Here opens introspectively with a ghostly waltz from Neil’s keyboards evoking the eerie chimes of musical boxes and striking clocks. Like those portraits where the subject’s eyes seem to follow you around the room, Peter sings with a quiet intensity that makes each listener feel he is addressing them personally. The tumultuous entry of drums and bass masterfully transports us to that nightmarish battleground of dark forces that is IQ’s natural habitat. Peter’s vocals positively smoulder with excitement and urgency and Paul’s relentless drums pound out like heavy artillery, intensified by wildly swirling synths and Tim’s restlessly prowling bass. The pressure builds remorselessly, culminating in Peter’s desperate cry: there still is time yet. Lyrics and music hereafter become more uplifting, crowned by a gloriously emotional and life-affirming guitar break. After a mystical keyboard solo where time seems to be magically suspended, we return to the reflective mood of the opening. Heart-rending lyrics and yearningly wistful music combine to create a powerfully moving coda that resonates still deeper when we learn that this track was partially inspired by the death of Peter’s mother two years before:
All the hours I was with you
Right by your side
With the time escaping us, ever knowing
I tried to reach you, to be there,
Where you need to be, always in my heart
And you’re not far from here
When I recently saw IQ perform Never Land live, Peter emphasised that the title comprises two separate words, and has no connection with either Marillion or Peter Pan (!) When we are young, life is an adventure, and we feel invincible – we learn to fly but never think about landing. The song traces the emotions of the person left behind after their partner has departed from the adventure of life, progressing from bewildered grief to the realisation that the departed one lives on through his memories of the experiences they shared. The tinkling bells and dreamy haze of keyboards recall the opening of ‘Fallout’, the closing track of Resistance, and evoke a similar atmosphere of nostalgia and longing for the unattainable. Peter’s vocals resonate with an intense sense of yearning, enhanced by pulsing keyboards and Mike’s tenderly consoling guitar. A hypnotic four-note falling figure on keys which gradually gains in intensity will make a dramatic return at the climax of the track. The full band enters with a warm rush of sound, sending a powerful surge of emotion streaming through the music like those last golden rays of the setting sun which are a central image in Peter’s poignantly evocative lyrics. The pain of loss is universal, and after Mike’s final, passionately yearning guitar solo Peter’s radiantly expressive vocals irresistibly draw the listener in to relive all the anguish of that emotion and find consolation in the album’s closing moments:
I see you now, I see you now
In all ways we shared
You’re still everywhere
Dominion should not disappoint IQ fans; the level of musicianship is as superlative as ever, the track sequence delivers the familiar but magical juxtaposition of the darkly transcendental and intimately personal, and every note carries a powerful emotional charge. Peter Nicholls has never been in finer voice, and his poetic lyrics explore themes that are both deeply autobiographical and universally meaningful, evoking moods and emotions that perfectly match the intensity of the music. To my ears this album feels a little more straightforward and less – dare I say it? – pretentious than some of its predecessors, which hopefully will attract new listeners into the welcoming fold of the IQ family without alienating diehard fans. This will be my second review this year to include those contentious words “potential Album of the Year material” but in this instance I make absolutely no apologies. Whether or not you are already an IQ devotee, Dominion is an essential and profoundly rewarding album which delivers more satisfaction with each new listen.
Released March 28th, 2025
Order the album here: