Esthesis is a progressive & alternative rock project formed and led by French multi-instrumentalist Aurélien Goude (music, lyrics, keyboards, vocals, guitars, bass and other stuff). The current line up is composed of three other musicians : Baptiste Desmares (lead guitar), Marc Anguill (bass) and Arnaud Nicolau (drums).
Esthesis music is characterized by many influences (british rock, film score, jazz, ambient, metal, electronic music…) and primarily based on emotion and ambiences. After a first sold out EP in 2019 (“Raising Hands”), Esthesis released a highly anticipated debut album in November 2020 (“The Awakening”) in two CD editions, digital and streaming.
Their first tour at the end of 2021 was very well received by the audience, with a dedicated and synchronized light show for each gig. “The Awakening” has been acclaimed by many rock magazines around the world and Esthesis won the Prog Magazine Reader’s Poll in December 2020 (“best unsigned band 2020”).
A new single, Place Your Bets, was released on 15th June 2022, with a brand new music video available on Youtube:
Place Your Best will appear on the band’s second album, due to be released later this year.